قديم 28-10-2011, 02:59 PM
  المشاركه #1

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2007
المشاركات: 1,468
mam_111 غير متواجد حالياً  

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ابي معادله للايمي بروكر لموجااات اليوت ... هل يوجد ذلك ...

بصراحه التحليل الموجي عجزااان اتعلمه ولاني فاضي واحس انه فيه خلافات فقلت اذا فيه معادله تريحني فبها ونعمه .. :hawamer.comsmile000:hawamer.comsmile000:hawamer.comsmile000

وايضا موجات الذيب .. ياذياااااااااااابه

الموضوع الأصلي : اضغط هنا    ||   المصدر : منتدى هوامير البورصة السعودية

رد مع اقتباس

قديم 28-10-2011, 05:13 PM
  المشاركه #2

كاتب قدير

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 36,145
ابو غيداء غير متواجد حالياً  

موجوده موجة الذيب

موجات اليوت ماادري

بس وش استفيد من المعادلة الجاهز
مالها طعم
زي ماتسويه بيديك وتنبش شوي مخك المغبر علشان يتحرك
لتطلع بمجهودك مو مجهود المعادلات الجاهزه
بديت تصير عاجز عن التفكير والتامل
ماحلات التحليل الا التأمل باستباقية اي سهم

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 28-10-2011, 11:25 PM
  المشاركه #3

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2007
المشاركات: 1,468
mam_111 غير متواجد حالياً  


والله انك صادق صاير زوول بعد اللكزس هههههههههههه

يمدحون السفري المخمخه تضيع اوقات وفرص بعض احيان هههههههه

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-10-2015, 01:25 PM
  المشاركه #4

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2006
المشاركات: 24
h7i70 غير متواجد حالياً  

السفر حلووووووووووووووو لكن الفلوس في الجيب احلي

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-10-2015, 04:16 PM
  المشاركه #5

عضو هوامير المؤسس

تاريخ التسجيل: May 2005
المشاركات: 1,801
say غير متواجد حالياً  

daynum= Now(9);//day of the week
SatSun= IIf((daynum==1 OR daynum==7),1,0);
dec= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
dec= (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
uc= ParamColor("Up Candle Fill Color",19);
dc= ParamColor("Dn Candle Fill Color",24);
nc= ParamColor("Neutral Fill Color",21);
bc= BarCount-1;
x= BarIndex();
Lx= LastValue(x);
sx= SelectedValue(x);
//========= GFX Status =========
lvb= Status("LastVisibleBar");
fvb= Status("FirstVisibleBar");
mny= Status("AxisMiny"); mxy= Status("AxisMaxy");
pxl= Status("pxChartLeft"); pxw= Status("pxChartWidth");
pxh= Status("pxChartHeight"); pxb= Status("pxChartBottom");
mth= mxy-mny;
tvb= lvb-fvb;
function tpX(x) { return pxl+(x-fvb)*pxw/(tvb+1); }
function tpY(y) { return pxb-floor(0.5 +(y-mny)*pxh/mth); }
//======== GFX Flat Line ========
procedure sln(xs,ys,xe,col,thk,sty) {
xs=LastValue(tpx(xs)); ys=LastValue(tpy(ys));
xe=LastValue(tpx(xe)); av=xs>0 AND xe>xs;
GfxSelectPen(col,thk,sty); GfxSetBkColor(16);
IIf(av,GfxPolyline(xs,ys,xe,ys),Null); }
//======== Fib Function =========
f0=0; f1=0; p=0; n=0; d=0;
function fvd(fib) {
fv=fib*d; ffv=IIf(p,f0+fv,f0-fv);
return IIf(ffv>0,ffv,Null); }
//======== Plot Shapes ========
procedure pshp(x,y,shp,co,shf) {
x=SelectedValue(x); y=SelectedValue(y);
PlotShapes(IIf(BarIndex()==x,shp,0),co,0,y,shf); }
//======== Fractal Peak Trough ========
x= BarIndex();
function pkID(nb){ p=H==HHV(H,2*nb)AND Ref(HHV(H,nb),nb)<H;
return p AND LastValue(x)-ValueWhen(p,x)>nb; }
function trID(nb){ t=L==LLV(L,2*nb)AND Ref(LLV(L,nb),nb)>L;
return t AND LastValue(x)-ValueWhen(t,x)>nb; }
_SECTION_BEGIN("Select Pivots");
nn= Param("Fractal Minimum",7,2,150,1);
plf= ParamList("Pivots/Ribbon","Off|Fractals|Ribbon|Both",0);
wwv=ParamToggle("Plot Wolfe Wave","Off|On",1);
cvg= ParamToggle("Require Convergence","Off|On",1);
sym= ParamToggle("Require Symmetry","Off|On",1);
fib=ParamToggle("Fib Retracements","Off|On",1);
mnR= Param("Min Time Retrace %",0.50,0.50,1.00,0.01);//Min % of P1-P2 bars
mxR= Param("Max Time Retrace %",1.62,1.00,4.00,0.01);//Max % of P1-P2 bars
mx5= Param("Max P5 Time Retrace %",2.62,1,5,0.01);//Max % of P2-P3 bars
nmn= Param("Near 5 %",0.62,0.50,0.995,0.001);//% of Retrace
x= BarIndex();
pk= pkID(nn); tr= trID(nn);
tx1= ValueWhen(tr,x,1); px2= ValueWhen(pk,x,2);
pk= IIf(pk,IIf(px2<tx1,pk,IIf(ValueWhen(pk,H,2)>H,False,pk)),pk);
px1= ValueWhen(pk,x,1); tx2= ValueWhen(tr,x,2);
tr= IIf(tr,IIf(tx2<px1,tr,IIf(ValueWhen(tr,L,2)<L,False,tr)),tr);
px0= ValueWhen(pk,x,0); tx0= ValueWhen(tr,x,0);
py0= ValueWhen(pk,H,0); ty0= ValueWhen(tr,L,0);
pk= IIf(pk AND px0>x,IIf(px0<tx0,IIf(py0>=H,False,pk),pk),pk);
tr= IIf(tr AND tx0>x,IIf(tx0<px0,IIf(ty0<=L,False,tr),tr),tr);
px= BarsSince(pk==1); tx= BarsSince(tr==1);
sup= SelectedValue(px) > SelectedValue(tx);
res= SelectedValue(tx)>= SelectedValue(px);
col= IIf(pk==1,42,IIf(tr==1,10,IIf(px>tx,19,IIf(tx>px,24,29))));
if(plf=="Ribbon" OR plf=="Both")Plot(2.25,"F
if(plf=="Fractals" OR plf=="Both"){PlotShapes(shp*pk,42,0,H,5);
yr1= ValueWhen(pk,H,1); xr1= ValueWhen(pk,x,1);
yr2= ValueWhen(pk,H,2); xr2= ValueWhen(pk,x,2);
yr3= ValueWhen(pk,H,3); xr3= ValueWhen(pk,x,3);
ys1= ValueWhen(tr,L,1); xs1= ValueWhen(tr,x,1);
ys2= ValueWhen(tr,L,2); xs2= ValueWhen(tr,x,2);
ys3= ValueWhen(tr,L,3); xs3= ValueWhen(tr,x,3);
//======== 5 POINT BEAR WAVE ========
be45xR= (xs1-xr2)/(xs2-xr3);
be55xR= (xr1-xs1)/(xr2-xs2);
becvg5= (yr2-ys1)<=(yr3-ys2);
be45xV= be45xR>=mnR AND be45xR<=mxR;
be55xV= be55xR>=mnR AND be55xR<=mx5;
if(sym==0)bexo5= xr1>xs1 AND xs1>xr2 AND xr2>xs2 AND xs2>xr3;
if(cvg==0)bepo5= yr2>yr3 AND yr1>yr2 AND ys1>ys2 AND ys1<yr2;
if(sym==1)bexo5= xr1>xs1 AND xs1>xr2 AND xr2>xs2 AND xs2>xr3 AND be45xV AND
if(cvg==1)bepo5= yr2>yr3 AND yr1>yr2 AND ys1>ys2 AND ys1<yr2 AND becvg5;
bq5= bexo5 AND bepo5;
x15= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,xr3));
y15= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,yr3));//P1
x25= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,xs2));
y25= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,ys2));//P2
x35= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,xr2));
y35= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,yr2));//P3
x45= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,xs1));
y45= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,ys1));//P4
x55= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,xr1));
y55= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(bq5,yr1));//P5
Ln135= LineArray(x15,y15,x35,y35,1);
Ln245= LineArray(x25,y25,x45,y45,1);
trgt5= LineArray(x15,y15,x45,y45,1);
//========= BEAR PLOTTING =========
if(wwv) {
pshp(x15,y15,shapeDigit1,42,15); pshp(x25,y25,shapeDigit2,42,-15);
pshp(x35,y35,shapeDigit3,42,15); pshp(x45,y45,shapeDigit4,42,-15);
x5up= ValueWhen(x>x45,Cross(H,Ln135));
x5dn= ValueWhen(x>x45,Cross(Ln135,H));
near= ValueWhen(x>x45,C>Ln245+(Ln135-Ln245)*nmn AND C<Ln135 AND NOT x5up AND
NOT x5dn);
//======== BEAR PRICE & TIME FIBS ========
if(fib) {
//======== Price Fibs ========
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y35-y45;//Price Fibs
i618=fvd(0.618); i127=fvd(1.27); i162=fvd(1.62);
//====== Price AP Fibs ======
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y35-y25;//AP Fibs
a618=fvd(0.618); a100=fvd(1.00); a127=fvd(1.27);
a162=fvd(1.62); a200=fvd(2.00); a224=fvd(2.24); a262=fvd(2.62);
//======== Time Fibs ========
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=x45; f1=x35; d=x35-x25;//Time Fibs
x500=fvd(0.500); x618=fvd(0.618); x100=fvd(1.00);
x162=fvd(1.618); x262=fvd(2.62);
//======== PLOTTING ========
sln(x500,i618,x162,43,1,1); sln(x500,i127,x162,36,1,1);
sln(x500,i162,x162,34,1,1); sln(x500,y35,x162,32,1,1);
sln(x500,a618,x162,43,1,0); sln(x500,a100,x262,55,1,0);
sln(x500,a127,x262,44,1,0); sln(x500,a162,Lx,34,1,0);
sln(x100,a200,Lx,52,1,0); sln(x100,a224,Lx,42,1,0);
//xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
//======== 5 POINT BULL WAVE ========
bu45xR= (xr1-xs2)/(xr2-xs3);
bu55xR= (xs1-xr1)/(xs2-xr2);
bucvg5= (yr1-ys2)<=(yr2-ys3);
bu45xV= bu45xR>=mnR AND bu45xR<=mxR;
bu55xV= bu55xR>=mnR AND bu55xR<=mx5;
if(sym==0)buxo5= xs1>xr1 AND xr1>xs2 AND xs2>xr2 AND xr2>xs3;
if(cvg==0)bupo5= yr2>ys3 AND yr2>yr1 AND ys3>ys2 AND ys2>ys1 AND yr2>yr1 AND
if(sym==1)buxo5= xs1>xr1 AND xr1>xs2 AND xs2>xr2 AND xr2>xs3 AND bu45xV AND
if(cvg==1)bupo5= yr2>ys3 AND yr2>yr1 AND ys3>ys2 AND ys2>ys1 AND yr2>yr1 AND
yr1>ys3 AND bucvg5;
pq5= buxo5 AND bupo5;
x15= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,xs3));
y15= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,ys3));//P1
x25= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,xr2));
y25= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,yr2));//P2
x35= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,xs2));
y35= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,ys2));//P3
x45= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,xr1));
y45= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,yr1));//P4
x55= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,xs1));
y55= SelectedValue(ValueWhen(pq5,ys1));//P5
Ln135= LineArray(x15,y15,x35,y35,1);
Ln245= LineArray(x25,y25,x45,y45,1);
trgt5= LineArray(x15,y15,x45,y45,1);
//========= BULL PLOTTING =========
if(wwv) {
pshp(x15,y15,shapeDigit1,43,-15); pshp(x25,y25,shapeDigit2,43,15);
pshp(x35,y35,shapeDigit3,43,-15); pshp(x45,y45,shapeDigit4,43,15);
x5up= ValueWhen(x>x45,Cross(L,Ln135));
x5dn= ValueWhen(x>x45,Cross(Ln135,L));
near= ValueWhen(x>x45,C<Ln245-(Ln245-Ln135)*nmn AND NOT x5up AND NOT x5dn);
//======== BEAR PRICE & TIME FIBS ========
if(fib) {
//======== Price Fibs ========
p=x45<x35; n=x45>x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y45-y35;//Price Fibs
i618=fvd(0.618); i127=fvd(1.27); i162=fvd(1.62);
//====== Price AP Fibs ======
p=x45<x35; n=x45>x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y25-y35;//AP Fibs
a618=fvd(0.618); a100=fvd(1.00); a127=fvd(1.27);
a162=fvd(1.62); a200=fvd(2.00); a224=fvd(2.24); a262=fvd(2.62);
//======== Time Fibs ========
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=x45; f1=x35; d=x35-x25;//Time Fibs
x500=fvd(0.500); x618=fvd(0.618); x100=fvd(1.00);
x162=fvd(1.618); x262=fvd(2.62);
//======== PLOTTING ========
sln(x500,i618,x162,43,1,1); sln(x500,i127,x162,36,1,1);
sln(x500,i162,x162,34,1,1); sln(x500,y35,x162,32,1,1);
sln(x500,a618,x162,43,1,0); sln(x500,a100,x262,55,1,0);
sln(x500,a127,Lx,44,1,0); sln(x500,a162,Lx,34,1,0);
sln(x100,a200,Lx,52,1,0); sln(x100,a224,Lx,42,1,0);
Title = "\\c55" + Title = Name() + " " + FullName()+ " \\c32" +
Date() + " \\c43" + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
"\\c55 Open = \\c43" + WriteVal(O,dec) +
"\\c55 High = \\c43" + WriteVal(H,dec) +
"\\c55 Low = \\c32" + WriteVal(L,dec) +
"\\c55 Close = \\c52" + WriteVal(C,dec)+
"\\c55 Volume = \\c43"+ WriteVal(V,dec) +
"\\c55 ATR-9 = \\c42" + WriteVal(ATR(9),dec) +
"\\c55 Fractal =\\c10"+nn+"\\c55 Bars " +
"\\c55 x = " + WriteVal(x,1)+"\n\n" +
"\\c55x4 Retrace = \\c43"+ WriteVal(be45xR,1.2)+"%\n" +
"\\c55x5 Retrace = \\c43"+ WriteVal(be55xR,1.2);
priceTitle=StrFormat("---- {{NAME}} ---------- {{VALUES}}");
Title ="Averages" + priceTitle;
if( ParamToggle("Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) )
ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )));
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorBlack)); // color of outer border
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel color upper half",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel color lower half",colorBlack)); // color of inner panel

_SECTION_BEGIN("Background text");
GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/12 );
GfxTextOut( "abo saleh", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/20 );
Status("pxheight")/2 ;

uptrend=PDI()>MDI()AND Signal()<MACD();
downtrend=MDI()>PDI()AND Signal()>MACD();
Plot( 2, "ADX",IIf( uptrend, colorBrightGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, colorBlack )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 21-11-2016, 05:30 PM
  المشاركه #6

عضو هوامير المميز

تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشاركات: 719
aasheq albadar غير متواجد حالياً  

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة say مشاهدة المشاركة
daynum= now(9);//day of the week
satsun= iif((daynum==1 or daynum==7),1,0);
dec= iif(strright(name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
dec= (param("decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
uc= paramcolor("up candle fill color",19);
dc= paramcolor("dn candle fill color",24);
nc= paramcolor("neutral fill color",21);
bc= barcount-1;
x= barindex();
lx= lastvalue(x);
sx= selectedvalue(x);
//========= gfx status =========
lvb= status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb= status("firstvisiblebar");
mny= status("axisminy"); mxy= status("axismaxy");
pxl= status("pxchartleft"); pxw= status("pxchartwidth");
pxh= status("pxchartheight"); pxb= status("pxchartbottom");
mth= mxy-mny;
tvb= lvb-fvb;
function tpx(x) { return pxl+(x-fvb)*pxw/(tvb+1); }
function tpy(y) { return pxb-floor(0.5 +(y-mny)*pxh/mth); }
//======== gfx flat line ========
procedure sln(xs,ys,xe,col,thk,sty) {
xs=lastvalue(tpx(xs)); ys=lastvalue(tpy(ys));
xe=lastvalue(tpx(xe)); av=xs>0 and xe>xs;
gfxselectpen(col,thk,sty); gfxsetbkcolor(16);
iif(av,gfxpolyline(xs,ys,xe,ys),null); }
//======== fib function =========
f0=0; f1=0; p=0; n=0; d=0;
function fvd(fib) {
fv=fib*d; ffv=iif(p,f0+fv,f0-fv);
return iif(ffv>0,ffv,null); }
//======== plot shapes ========
procedure pshp(x,y,shp,co,shf) {
x=selectedvalue(x); y=selectedvalue(y);
plotshapes(iif(barindex()==x,shp,0),co,0,y,shf); }
//======== fractal peak trough ========
x= barindex();
function pkid(nb){ p=h==hhv(h,2*nb)and ref(hhv(h,nb),nb)<h;
return p and lastvalue(x)-valuewhen(p,x)>nb; }
function trid(nb){ t=l==llv(l,2*nb)and ref(llv(l,nb),nb)>l;
return t and lastvalue(x)-valuewhen(t,x)>nb; }
_section_begin("select pivots");
nn= param("fractal minimum",7,2,150,1);
plf= paramlist("pivots/ribbon","off|fractals|ribbon|both",0);
wwv=paramtoggle("plot wolfe wave","off|on",1);
cvg= paramtoggle("require convergence","off|on",1);
sym= paramtoggle("require symmetry","off|on",1);
fib=paramtoggle("fib retracements","off|on",1);
mnr= param("min time retrace %",0.50,0.50,1.00,0.01);//min % of p1-p2 bars
mxr= param("max time retrace %",1.62,1.00,4.00,0.01);//max % of p1-p2 bars
mx5= param("max p5 time retrace %",2.62,1,5,0.01);//max % of p2-p3 bars
nmn= param("near 5 %",0.62,0.50,0.995,0.001);//% of retrace
x= barindex();
pk= pkid(nn); tr= trid(nn);
tx1= valuewhen(tr,x,1); px2= valuewhen(pk,x,2);
pk= iif(pk,iif(px2<tx1,pk,iif(valuewhen(pk,h,2)>h,false,pk)),pk);
px1= valuewhen(pk,x,1); tx2= valuewhen(tr,x,2);
tr= iif(tr,iif(tx2<px1,tr,iif(valuewhen(tr,l,2)<l,false,tr)),tr);
px0= valuewhen(pk,x,0); tx0= valuewhen(tr,x,0);
py0= valuewhen(pk,h,0); ty0= valuewhen(tr,l,0);
pk= iif(pk and px0>x,iif(px0<tx0,iif(py0>=h,false,pk),pk),pk);
tr= iif(tr and tx0>x,iif(tx0<px0,iif(ty0<=l,false,tr),tr),tr);
px= barssince(pk==1); tx= barssince(tr==1);
sup= selectedvalue(px) > selectedvalue(tx);
res= selectedvalue(tx)>= selectedvalue(px);
col= iif(pk==1,42,iif(tr==1,10,iif(px>tx,19,iif(tx>px,24,29))));
if(plf=="ribbon" or plf=="both")plot(2.25,"f
if(plf=="fractals" or plf=="both"){plotshapes(shp*pk,42,0,h,5);
yr1= valuewhen(pk,h,1); xr1= valuewhen(pk,x,1);
yr2= valuewhen(pk,h,2); xr2= valuewhen(pk,x,2);
yr3= valuewhen(pk,h,3); xr3= valuewhen(pk,x,3);
ys1= valuewhen(tr,l,1); xs1= valuewhen(tr,x,1);
ys2= valuewhen(tr,l,2); xs2= valuewhen(tr,x,2);
ys3= valuewhen(tr,l,3); xs3= valuewhen(tr,x,3);
//======== 5 point bear wave ========
be45xr= (xs1-xr2)/(xs2-xr3);
be55xr= (xr1-xs1)/(xr2-xs2);
becvg5= (yr2-ys1)<=(yr3-ys2);
be45xv= be45xr>=mnr and be45xr<=mxr;
be55xv= be55xr>=mnr and be55xr<=mx5;
if(sym==0)bexo5= xr1>xs1 and xs1>xr2 and xr2>xs2 and xs2>xr3;
if(cvg==0)bepo5= yr2>yr3 and yr1>yr2 and ys1>ys2 and ys1<yr2;
if(sym==1)bexo5= xr1>xs1 and xs1>xr2 and xr2>xs2 and xs2>xr3 and be45xv and
if(cvg==1)bepo5= yr2>yr3 and yr1>yr2 and ys1>ys2 and ys1<yr2 and becvg5;
bq5= bexo5 and bepo5;
x15= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,xr3));
y15= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,yr3));//p1
x25= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,xs2));
y25= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,ys2));//p2
x35= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,xr2));
y35= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,yr2));//p3
x45= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,xs1));
y45= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,ys1));//p4
x55= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,xr1));
y55= selectedvalue(valuewhen(bq5,yr1));//p5
ln135= linearray(x15,y15,x35,y35,1);
ln245= linearray(x25,y25,x45,y45,1);
trgt5= linearray(x15,y15,x45,y45,1);
//========= bear plotting =========
if(wwv) {
pshp(x15,y15,shapedigit1,42,15); pshp(x25,y25,shapedigit2,42,-15);
pshp(x35,y35,shapedigit3,42,15); pshp(x45,y45,shapedigit4,42,-15);
x5up= valuewhen(x>x45,cross(h,ln135));
x5dn= valuewhen(x>x45,cross(ln135,h));
near= valuewhen(x>x45,c>ln245+(ln135-ln245)*nmn and c<ln135 and not x5up and
not x5dn);
//======== bear price & time fibs ========
if(fib) {
//======== price fibs ========
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y35-y45;//price fibs
i618=fvd(0.618); i127=fvd(1.27); i162=fvd(1.62);
//====== price ap fibs ======
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y35-y25;//ap fibs
a618=fvd(0.618); a100=fvd(1.00); a127=fvd(1.27);
a162=fvd(1.62); a200=fvd(2.00); a224=fvd(2.24); a262=fvd(2.62);
//======== time fibs ========
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=x45; f1=x35; d=x35-x25;//time fibs
x500=fvd(0.500); x618=fvd(0.618); x100=fvd(1.00);
x162=fvd(1.618); x262=fvd(2.62);
//======== plotting ========
sln(x500,i618,x162,43,1,1); sln(x500,i127,x162,36,1,1);
sln(x500,i162,x162,34,1,1); sln(x500,y35,x162,32,1,1);
sln(x500,a618,x162,43,1,0); sln(x500,a100,x262,55,1,0);
sln(x500,a127,x262,44,1,0); sln(x500,a162,lx,34,1,0);
sln(x100,a200,lx,52,1,0); sln(x100,a224,lx,42,1,0);
//xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
//======== 5 point bull wave ========
bu45xr= (xr1-xs2)/(xr2-xs3);
bu55xr= (xs1-xr1)/(xs2-xr2);
bucvg5= (yr1-ys2)<=(yr2-ys3);
bu45xv= bu45xr>=mnr and bu45xr<=mxr;
bu55xv= bu55xr>=mnr and bu55xr<=mx5;
if(sym==0)buxo5= xs1>xr1 and xr1>xs2 and xs2>xr2 and xr2>xs3;
if(cvg==0)bupo5= yr2>ys3 and yr2>yr1 and ys3>ys2 and ys2>ys1 and yr2>yr1 and
if(sym==1)buxo5= xs1>xr1 and xr1>xs2 and xs2>xr2 and xr2>xs3 and bu45xv and
if(cvg==1)bupo5= yr2>ys3 and yr2>yr1 and ys3>ys2 and ys2>ys1 and yr2>yr1 and
yr1>ys3 and bucvg5;
pq5= buxo5 and bupo5;
x15= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,xs3));
y15= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,ys3));//p1
x25= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,xr2));
y25= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,yr2));//p2
x35= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,xs2));
y35= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,ys2));//p3
x45= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,xr1));
y45= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,yr1));//p4
x55= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,xs1));
y55= selectedvalue(valuewhen(pq5,ys1));//p5
ln135= linearray(x15,y15,x35,y35,1);
ln245= linearray(x25,y25,x45,y45,1);
trgt5= linearray(x15,y15,x45,y45,1);
//========= bull plotting =========
if(wwv) {
pshp(x15,y15,shapedigit1,43,-15); pshp(x25,y25,shapedigit2,43,15);
pshp(x35,y35,shapedigit3,43,-15); pshp(x45,y45,shapedigit4,43,15);
x5up= valuewhen(x>x45,cross(l,ln135));
x5dn= valuewhen(x>x45,cross(ln135,l));
near= valuewhen(x>x45,c<ln245-(ln245-ln135)*nmn and not x5up and not x5dn);
//======== bear price & time fibs ========
if(fib) {
//======== price fibs ========
p=x45<x35; n=x45>x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y45-y35;//price fibs
i618=fvd(0.618); i127=fvd(1.27); i162=fvd(1.62);
//====== price ap fibs ======
p=x45<x35; n=x45>x35; f0=y45; f1=y35; d=y25-y35;//ap fibs
a618=fvd(0.618); a100=fvd(1.00); a127=fvd(1.27);
a162=fvd(1.62); a200=fvd(2.00); a224=fvd(2.24); a262=fvd(2.62);
//======== time fibs ========
p=x45>x35; n=x45<x35; f0=x45; f1=x35; d=x35-x25;//time fibs
x500=fvd(0.500); x618=fvd(0.618); x100=fvd(1.00);
x162=fvd(1.618); x262=fvd(2.62);
//======== plotting ========
sln(x500,i618,x162,43,1,1); sln(x500,i127,x162,36,1,1);
sln(x500,i162,x162,34,1,1); sln(x500,y35,x162,32,1,1);
sln(x500,a618,x162,43,1,0); sln(x500,a100,x262,55,1,0);
sln(x500,a127,lx,44,1,0); sln(x500,a162,lx,34,1,0);
sln(x100,a200,lx,52,1,0); sln(x100,a224,lx,42,1,0);
title = "\\c55" + title = name() + " " + fullname()+ " \\c32" +
date() + " \\c43" + "{{interval}} " +
"\\c55 open = \\c43" + writeval(o,dec) +
"\\c55 high = \\c43" + writeval(h,dec) +
"\\c55 low = \\c32" + writeval(l,dec) +
"\\c55 close = \\c52" + writeval(c,dec)+
"\\c55 volume = \\c43"+ writeval(v,dec) +
"\\c55 atr-9 = \\c42" + writeval(atr(9),dec) +
"\\c55 fractal =\\c10"+nn+"\\c55 bars " +
"\\c55 x = " + writeval(x,1)+"\n\n" +
"\\c55x4 retrace = \\c43"+ writeval(be45xr,1.2)+"%\n" +
"\\c55x5 retrace = \\c43"+ writeval(be55xr,1.2);
pricetitle=strformat("---- {{name}} ---------- {{values}}");
title ="averages" + pricetitle;
if( paramtoggle("tooltip shows", "all values|only prices" ) )
tooltip=strformat("open: %g\nhigh: %g\nlow: %g\nclose: %g (%.1f%%)\nvolume: "+numtostr( v, 1 ), o, h, l, c, selectedvalue( roc( c, 1 )));
setchartbkcolor(paramcolor("outer panel color ",colorblack)); // color of outer border
setchartbkgradientfill( paramcolor("inner panel color upper half",colorblack),paramcolor("inner panel color lower half",colorblack)); // color of inner panel

_section_begin("background text");
gfxsetbkmode(0); // transparent
gfxselectfont("tahoma", status("pxheight")/12 );
gfxtextout( "abo saleh", status("pxwidth")/2, status("pxheight")/3 );
gfxselectfont("tahoma", status("pxheight")/20 );
status("pxheight")/2 ;

uptrend=pdi()>mdi()and signal()<macd();
downtrend=mdi()>pdi()and signal()>macd();
plot( 2, "adx",iif( uptrend, colorbrightgreen, iif( downtrend, colorred, colorblack )), styleownscale|stylearea|stylenolabel, -0.5, 100 );

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